SAMSAR – Southern Arizona Mounted Search And Rescue, Inc.

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SAMSAR is an all volunteer, non-profit, mounted search and rescue unit serving the Pima County community. We are the primary provider of mounted search and rescue services for the Pima County Sheriff’s Department. SAMSAR’s members have 50+ years of combined experience and are dedicated to continuously train, educate and maintain mounted unit(s).

Each SAMSAR team consists of a rider along with their horse or mule, all of which have undergone rigorous training and field experience in order to meet field certification requirements. Training is a vital part of search and rescue. both the rider and their horse or mule must be ready to tackle any given situation or terrain at a moment’s notice.

Here are just some of the basic training requirements necessary for field qualified SAMSAR members:

  • Outdoor first care class and advanced first aid certification
  • Professional Care Giver CPR certification
  • National Incident Management System courses
  • Ham radio license
  • Field training, including tracking
  • A horse or mule that is solid and completely spooked proof, because your animal is half of your team.

Please visit the SAMSAR web site or email SAMSAR at for more information about the group.  You can also follow SAMSAR on Facebook to stay up-to-date on our events!

Thank you for your interest in SAMSAR.

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